
Communication About Partner HIV Testing in the U.S.

This qualitative study in a high HIV prevalence U.S. city explored communication about HIV testing among pregnant HIV-negative women and their male partners. The authors suggest future research is needed to assess specific barriers to male partner HIV testing as an approach to preventing…

Social Vulnerability among Foreign-Born Pregnant Women and Virologic Control of HIV

This study assessed the relationship between social vulnerability among foreign-born pregnant women living with HIV and maternal viremia during pregnancy. The authors found virologic control during pregnancy to be worse among socially-vulnerable women and recommend closer follow-up and…

Pregnancy Intention and Viral Suppression Among Pregnant Women with HIV

This study examines pregnancy intention and its relationship to achieving viral suppression by delivery. The authors found that women with an unintended pregnancy were less likely to be on antiretroviral therapy prior to initiating prenatal care and were less likely to be virally suppressed…

SMFM Releases Updated Checklists for Management of HIV in Pregnancy

The Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine has published updated and expanded checklists to help ensure that all relevant elements are considered for every person with HIV during prepregnancy, antepartum, intrapartum, and postpartum periods. The checklists are intended to be used as tools to…

Data Support Nevirapine for Presumptive Treatment in High Risk Neonates

Recent findings from the IMPAACT P1115 study confirm the safety and therapeutic drug concentrations of a nevirapine-based antiretroviral regimen in the early neonatal period. The study's aim was to establish dosing of nevirapine for very early treatment of HIV-exposed neonates at high risk of…

Updated AAP Guidance for Infants Exposed to HIV

Updated in October 2020, this clinical report from the American Academcy of Pediatrics provides guidance on the evaluation and management of infants born to women living with HIV. Citation: Chadwick EG. AAP Committee on Pediatric AIDS. Evaluation and management of the infant exposed to…

COVID-19 Among People Living with HIV

This issue of AIDS includes a special section on the intersection of COVID-19 and people living with HIV.  AIDS October 1, 2020 - Volume 34 - Issue 12

HIV PrEP for Conception Among Serodiscordant Couples

This article describes a prospective cohort study to assess the feasibility, perceptions, and adherence associated with periconceptional PrEP use among females without HIV and their male partners living with HIV across four academic medical centers in the United States. Citation: Leech AA,…

Attitudes Towards Male Partner HIV Testing

This study, by members of the Illinois Perinatal HIV Hotline medical leadership team, explores the attitudes of pregnant women and their partners toward partner HIV testing. Citation: Yee LM, Leziak K, Jackson J, Miller ES. Attitudes towards male partner HIV testing among…

Safety of In-Utero ARV Exposure

A recent study of neurological outcomes in children who are HIV-exposed but uninfected found some increased risk of neurologic abnormalities. These risks were associated with exposure to efavirenz and didanosine. Dolutegravir expsoure showed some suggestive associations that the authors suggest…

Epidemiology of Perinatal HIV Transmission in the U.S.

This article examines the most recent epidemiology of perinatal HIV transmission in the United States in the era of elimination. It looks at the perinatal HIV prevention cascade, annual births to women with HIV, the population of women living with HIV, and their geographical distribution…

Reproductive Years of Women with Perinatally Acquired HIV

This article, written by members of the IL Perinatal HIV Hotline team, reviews existing evidence regarding the gynecologic and obstetric issues unique to reproductive age women with perinatally acquired HIV. Citation: Berhie S, Yee L, Jao J. The reproductive years of women with…

Eliminating Perinatal HIV in the United States

In this article, the authors describe progress thus far toward the goal of perinatal HIV elimination in the United States. They describe different approaches to perinatal HIV preventive services in the District of Columbia and five states, including Illinois. They conclude by sharing strategies…

Trends in Neonatal Prophylaxis in US Infants

In this article, the authors describe the use of neonatal prophylaxis over time. They observed overall low rates of combination prophylaxis, including for those infants at higher risk, demonstrating inconsistency with current guidelines in the United States. Citation: Williams PL, Huo Y,…

Intimate Partner Violence and HIV Care in Pregnancy

In this article, the authors describe the relationship between intimate partner violence (IPV) and ARV adherence and viral suppression in pregnancy. They conclude that IPV during a pregnancy is associated with decreased ARV adherence and delays in achieving virologic suppression.…

Stigma and the Elimination of Perinatal HIV in the U.S.

In this article, the authors describe the relationship between stigma toward pregnant women with HIV and efforts to eradicate perinatal HIV transmission. They conclude that stigma plays a significant role in the inability of the U.S. to eliminate MTCT of HIV. Citation: Arora KS,…

Perinatal HIV Service Coordination

In this article, the authors describe a comprehensive concept of perinatal HIV service coordination. The authors identify six core functions to close the gap in the HIV care continuum for pregnant women and prevent perinatal transmission of HIV in the United States. Citation: Andrews MM…

Risk of Acquiring HIV Increases During and After Pregnancy

New research suggests a woman’s risk of acquiring HIV through sex with a male partner living with HIV increases during pregnancy and is highest during the postpartum period. Click here to read more about this research presented at the 2018 CROI Conference.

Sustainability of Perinatal Rapid HIV Testing in Illinois

In this article, the authors utilized a retrospective cohort study of women delivered in Illinois hospitals (2012-2015) to assess the sustainability of Illinois' statewide program of HIV rapid testing for pregnant women presenting for delivery with unknown HIV status. They found that…

Missed Perinatal HV Prevention Opportunities in FL

The authors analyzed data pertaining to children born between 2007 and 2014 and perinatally exposed to HIV. Among other findings, perinatal transmission was most strongly associated with maternal HIV diagnosis during labor and delivery or after birth. Citation: Trepka MJ,…

Assessing the Impact of Perinatal HIV Case Management

The authors evaluated the impact of perinatal HIV case management on outcomes along the HIV care continuum for pregnant and postpartum women in Philadelphia. They found significant benefits for both viral suppression and retention in care. Citation: Anderson EA, Momplaisir FM, Corson C, Brady…

Missed Opportunities for Prevention of MTCT

The authors present a case series highlighting factors contributing to missed opportunities for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV. Despite access to high-level care and follow-up, a small proportion of HIV-infected women transmitted the virus to their infants. Citation: Scott…

Using a Public Health Approach to Eradicate Perinatal HIV

In this editorial, the authors propose using systems of care and a public health approach to achieve zero cases of perinatal HIV transmission. Citation: Esber A, Cohen S, Dempsey A, Cheever LW. Using systems of care and a public health approach to achieve zero perinatal HIV transmissions…

Estimated Perinatal HIV Infections Among Infants in the U.S.

A new publication from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides new estimates of the number of perinatal HIV cases among infants born in the United States. The estimated annual number of infections decreased from 216 in 2002 to 69 in 2013. Citation: Taylor AW, Nesheim…

A Reactive HIV Rapid Antibody Test in a Pregnant Woman

The article describes the case of a pregnant woman with a positive rapid antibody result and the subsequent tests performed to determine her HIV status. It provides an overview of confirmatory HIV testing and interpretation of fourth generation algorithm testing results. Citation:…